Auto Insurance
Your vehicle is an integral part of your life. You depend on it to get to work, pick up the kids, run errands and escape to your favorite weekend get-away. So when an accident takes your car off the road, we see it as a major inconvenience for both you and your family. At MR Shaw Insurance we work hard to expedite your auto claim so you are back on the road with as little disruption as possible.
Understanding Auto Insurance
Choosing the right auto insurance can be a daunting task for even the most experienced driver. That is why our licensed agents will walk you through every step of the process. If you don’t understand any part of your policy, we’ll gladly explain it to you. In the meantime, here’s a quick guide to commonly used terms.

There are four coverage parts that all persons with vehicles registered in the state of Massachusetts are required to carry by law. These coverage parts are:
Bodily Injury To Others
Under this part, we will pay damages to people injured or killed by your auto in Massachusetts accidents. The damages we will pay are the amounts the injured person is entitled to collect for bodily injury through a court judgment or settlement. We will pay only if you or someone else using your auto with your consent is legally responsible for the accident.
Personal Injury Protection
The benefits under this part are commonly known as “PIP” or “No-Fault” benefits. It makes no difference who is legally responsible for the accident. We will pay medical expenses, lost wages and replacement services to you and other people injured or killed in auto accidents.
Bodily Injury Caused By An Uninsured Auto
Sometimes an owner or operator of an auto legally responsible for an accident is uninsured. Some accidents involve unidentified hit-and-run autos. Under this part, we will pay damages for bodily injury to people injured or killed in certain accidents caused by uninsured or hit-and-run autos.

Damage to Someone Else’s Property
Under this part, we will pay damages to someone else whose auto or other property is damaged in an accident. The damages we will pay are the amounts that person is legally entitled to collect for property damage through a court judgment or settlement. Damages include any applicable sales tax and the costs resulting from the loss of use of the damaged property.
You Have Options
Auto insurance can cover more than just bodily injury and property damage liability. Depending on the coverage you choose, your auto insurance can:
- Cover your bodily injury liability outside the state of Massachusetts
- Repair your vehicle in case of an at-fault accident or a hit-and-run by an unidentified vehicle
- Reimburse you for damages suffered because of vandalism, natural disasters, glass breakage or theft of your vehicle
- Reimburse you for rental car expenses incurred due to a covered accident that has disabled your vehicle
- Reimburse you for towing and labor costs incurred due to the disablement of your vehicle
- Pay for bodily injury losses caused by underinsured drivers
Insurance companies offer a variety of ways to reduce your premium. While there are some discounts that are required by law, such as discounts for drivers who are 65 years or older, companies may have other savings tied to driver training, low mileage, multiple policies with the same company, multiple cars insured with the same company or other factors that reduce the risk or extent of injuries or damage.
The amount of these savings may vary somewhat from company to company and insurance companies create new and improved discounts each year. Many discounts may also need to be validated each year upon the policy renewal for continuation of the discount. It is best to contact us each year upon renewal to review your policy for discount eligibility.
Driving Safely Can Reduce Your Premium
Your driving record will always be a significant factor in determining how much you will pay. Driving safely and maintaining a clean driving record will almost certainly reduce your automobile insurance premium regardless of what company you choose.
Joe Greene Insurance Agency
122 Washington Street
Marblehead, MA 01945
Phone: 781.631.5000
Fax: 781.631.3993
Email: WillMonks@joegreeneagency.com